After several beautiful days of spring (temperatures about 70 F!) the rain and cold have returned. I did get a fair amount of work done over the weekend getting most of the fence "rabbit proofed" and some preliminary tilling done.
Unfortunately, my tiller died*, so I spent the morning taking it to the repair shop (ouch!). The kale and spinach shown in the photo are actually doing nicely and we have been eating both regularly. The arugula is actually starting to flower, so I put out another row, as well as a row of Bok Choi since both can certainly take the cold weather. I also cleaned up and started my "fountain" and put in a bunch of watercress that we picked up at the Bloomington Farmer's Market this last weekend.
The weather certainly looks bad for the coming week, and hard frosts are predicted for tonight and tomorrow night*. To be safe I brought my seed starter indoors. As you can see most of the beans and squashes have germinated and are doing nicely--all we lack is warm enough weather to transplant them!
*UPDATE (04/15/2014)
Woke up this AM with about 1/2 inch of snow on everything in the back yard :-(. The forecast for tonight is a low of 24, so I may lose most of my leaf veggies. That is the bad news--the good news is that J & S called and said they were able to get the tiller working!